Roman Camps in Scotland. By REBECCA H. JONES. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, 2011). 244x 304 mm. xxix + 367 pp. 221 b&w plates and figures, 4 tables. ISBN: 978-0903903-50-9. Price £30.00 hb
The Roman military presence and landscape impact in Scotland enjoy an appreciable interest among the public. Rebecca Jones’ volume both addresses this popular niche in the market and fills an important gap in the scholarly treatment of Roman marching camps in Scotland, which somewhat surprisingly, have not been exhaustively synthesised before. Originally researched for a PhD degree, much of the content of the book fits the canon of Roman military studies. Richly illustrated, a lion’s share of the data derives from aerial photographs, many drawn from the Royal Commission on the Ancient Historical Monuments of Scotland in Edinburgh, where the author worked for a period of time…